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Sometimes I get up and write things:

00:00 / 04:48

To a robin:

00:00 / 01:15

Some guys from Berlin edited Madera, a magazine that let me talk in peace:

00:00 / 02:35

This is nostalgia while walking down a road:

00:00 / 01:43

I'm bad at telling my love that after all these years I'm still worse than usual in terms of everything in general:

00:00 / 01:25

A terrible day and neglect have these things:

00:00 / 02:34

Why am I going to try to explain it if it is called No Sense:

00:00 / 02:26

This is a text from 2017, I wrote it forWood and is titled: XXI CENTURY ORACULAR SHOW

00:00 / 12:40

Old Bored Order

00:00 / 03:19

weird cry:

00:00 / 00:38

When they throw a crochet to your temple and you're not there, you remember how well you learned in that other fight...

00:00 / 03:08

precious afternoons:

00:00 / 02:15

call it punk

00:00 / 02:31

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